One of the most common signs of ageing is wrinkles. They could show up in different areas of the body, including the face. It’s normal to have wrinkles, especially as you age, as it’s part of ageing. However, other factors could cause them to show prematurely. Moreover, there are now different treatments that can prevent the early formation of wrinkles. You may have heard of various things about wrinkles, but not all of them are true. Determining the facts from myths will help you better prevent wrinkles.
Anti-wrinkle treatments are expensive
Just like with other things, expensive doesn’t always mean the best option when it comes to anti-wrinkle treatments. There are various treatments available that have proven effective but do not cost that much. For instance, anti wrinkle injections are available at discounted prices, especially if you have various areas to be treated. Moreover, you may also find finance options that will make it easier for you to pay for the treatment.
There is one wrinkle treatment that works for all
People react differently to various treatments, so no one treatment will work for everyone. When you consult with your doctor, different factors will be considered to determine the best treatment for you. Moreover, if it doesn’t work, they will explore other options until you find the treatment or routine that will be effective for you.
Wrinkles are hereditary
While it’s true that genes have a role in your skin ageing, it is not the sole factor that will determine how soon wrinkles appear. As mentioned, different things may cause wrinkles to show prematurely, such as too much sun exposure, lack of sleep, stress, and smoking.
Wearing sunscreen is only needed when it’s hot
Even when the day is not that sunny, it’s still recommended that you wear sunscreen because the sun still emits UV rays even when you don’t see it. Ultraviolet rays will not only damage the skin causing wrinkles and other early signs of ageing, but they can also cause skin cancer. Even when you are in the car or inside a building or house, UV rays may still penetrate through the glass and open areas, so it’s always best to wear sunscreen.
There is only one type of wrinkle
Wrinkles are lines that show in different areas of the face and body. While they are just generally known as wrinkles, there are different types of them. Wrinkle folds are often seen in the area between the mouth and nose. They are caused by the sagging of the structure of the face. Muscle contractions cause dynamic wrinkles, and these include those that appear on the forehead and between the eyebrows. Static wrinkles, on the other hand, are those that are caused by other factors such as genes, smoking, and sun exposure.
Now that you know the facts behind the wrinkle myths, you will have a better understanding of the best way to prevent and treat them.